Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Trisomy 18 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Trisomy 18 - Essay Example The incidence of the condition during first trimester scanning is 1 in 400 (Chen, Emedicine). There is a strong female predominance with more than 80 percent of the detected cases being females. The condition does not have any racial predilection(Chen, Emedicine). 95 percent of pregnancies with trisomy 18 embryos spontaneously abort. Of the remaining which are born, only 5-10 percent survive beyond the first year of life. Thus, the mortality rate of this condition is very high. The mortality rate is because of the severely malformed organs like the heart, kidney and the brain, feeding problems, high rates of infection and breathing difficulties. The longest survival reported for this condition so far is 27 years (Chen, Emedicine). The condition is detectable in the prenatal period. Some of the features which point to the possibility of trisomy 18 are maternal polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, very small placenta, single umbilical artery, intrauterine growth retardation, fetal distress, defective fetal reflexes and decreased fetal activity. In the postnatal period, the clinical condition is obvious because of the array of clinical features. The new born usually has generalized hypotonia, apnea, jitteriness and seizures. The child will have marked failure to thrive, recurrent apnoiec episodes and poor feeding (Chen, Emedicine). On examination several organ defects will be obvious. The child may have defects of the skull manifesting as microcephaly, wide fontanellaes, prominent occiput, elongated skull or even narrow bifrontal diameter. Facial deformities include microphthalmia, micrognathia, microstomia, short palpebral fissures, epicanthal folds, choanal atresia, periauricular tags, and narrow palatal arch. S evere skeletal deformities exist including growth retardation, radial hypoplasia, clenched hands, syndactyly, rocker bottom feet, narrow pelvis, talipes equinovarus, etc. Typical of the clenched fingers include "overlapping digits, with the second and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Monastic spirituality in the 21st Century Essay Example for Free

Monastic spirituality in the 21st Century Essay In the 21st Century, it could be said that monastic spirituality in an outdated concept. In the contemporary world we live in today, it has become increasingly difficult to live obedient to the Churches teaching. Some people would argue that there should be no real set of moral codes, and that the Church should not have such high authority. This contrasts to the Celtic Monks belief that Nothing must be refused in their obedience; to be Christs true discipleit will not be pleasing to the Lord. In society today, people dont see a need for a moral code. They make their own subjective decisions about what is right and wrong from them, and dont accept religious or government law. Grove argues People do not see the Church as having a real relevance in their everyday lives, and therefore do not recognise its authority in everyday matters. Some sociologists have said that it is this belief that has led to religious organizations watering down their beliefs to accommodate many beliefs, in the hope that this would make their religion more popular. However, in actual fact this can often lead to the religious organization becoming less popular, as they may lose the devoted members, who arent looking for a watered down religion. Pope Benedict said that relativismdoes not recognise anything as being certainits highest goals are ones own ego and desire. Relativism is the belief that concepts such as right and wrong, goodness and badness, or truth and falsehood are not definite and that they alter in different cultures and situations. It could be described as the cherry picking for faith. An example of this would be ignoring the rule of no contraception, for promiscuous reasons. An other common example would be the issue of sex before marriage. The Celtic monks had a huge sense of Divine Will that had to be obeyed. Saint Columbanus reminded us of this by saying by strict obedience shall the monk show his love of God. Many of these traits, that the monks found so admirable, have been lost in todays society. Monks believed that community was better than the individual, and that when we do something, it should be for the sake of the community, rather than for the sake of the individual themselves. The monks saw obedience as responding to Gods call. We can see a huge lack of obedience to God by looking at the large decline in vocations in recent years. In 2008, in Dublin, only three people were ordained into the priesthood. There are many reasons for this, a main possibility being the recent scandal the Church has been involved in in recent years. In 1968, 95% of Catholics went to mass. By 2004 this amount had dropped to a mere 50% (BBC Newsline). These figures support the view that as Christians, we no longer feel compelled to be obedient to God. This can relate back to what Pope Benedict described as The Culture of Relativism. Another debated issue is the importance of chastity and sexuality in our society today. Saint Columbanus said a monks chastity is indeed judged by his thoughts. He said that they were not only judged by sexual relations, but by the purity of the mind, and the sexual desires that they experienced. This view contrasts greatly to the view of society today. In our modern society, people are often sexually objectified. An estimated average of 75% of prime television shows include content of a sexual nature, and in soap operas it is estimated that extra-marital sex is referred to two out of three times every hour. This is because the television companys know that in todays society, sex sells. It is no longer thought of as a big deal, and there has been a massive increase in sexual promiscuity. This has led to a big increase in sexually transmitted diseases, which are becoming increasingly difficult to control. It also meant a big increase in the amount of unwanted pregnancies. Unlike monastic living which promoted the selfless giving of ones self to the community, we have adopted a hedonistic, narcissistic attitude. We have become our own lust. Michael Maher points out that the standards in Celtic monasteries are severe, particularly in the area of sexual morality. For many today, the idea of chastity is an outdated concept and is problematic for the future of the priesthood in the Catholic Church. This would lead me to believe that in regard to this aspect of monastic life, monastic spirituality could very easily be perceived as outdated in the 21st Century. Brigid of Kildare had a preferential option for the poor. She vowed to the king of Leinster, If I had all your wealth, I would take it and give it away to the poor, So Brigids monastery in Kildare, became known as the City of the poor. Aidan of Lindesfarm also expressed solidarity to the poor, when he gave away the kings gift of a horse to the first beggar he met saying Surely this son of a mare is not more important to you than that son of man. However, the Church didnt always share the same view. Leondardo Boff argues that the Church became an abstract speculation removed from the original spirit of the Gospel message, and out of touch with real life. The Church has been criticised for siding with the vested interest, and in its history has even been involved in colonisation and the removal of land from the peasantry, in its commitment to obeying the laws of the land. Richard Woods reminds us that justice and chastity were the main hinges of Celtic social action. This is another way, in that it could be said that monastic spirituality is an outdated concept in the 21st Century. Views that should be had today have slowly died off, and have left places worse off. However, Bishop Casadaliga reminds us that as long as there are poor people in the world, and as long as there is a God who cares for the poor, there will be a need for a theology of Liberation. The spirit of Liberation Theology is very much evident in Celtic Monasticism in many ways, from the care of the poor and the sinner, to the welcoming of the stranger. Hospitality was always extremely generous in the monasteries, and any stranger who came was very well looked after. In 2004, 19% of asylum seekers were allowed to find refuge in Britain, while 78% were turned away. The Celtic monks in their openness to all, especially the weakest turned no one away. This shows another way that Monastic Spirituality could be considered an outdated concept in 21st Century life. In conclusion, it would appear that Monastic Spirituality is in fact an outdated concept in 21st Century living, with our lackadaisical views on chastity and sexuality, and our selfish views on poverty, it seems that Monastic Spirituality has been lost, and I believe it would be in the Catholic Churches interest to try and retrieve some of this monastic spirit.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Drug Testing is Not a Violation of Individual Rights Essay -- Drugs Ar

Every day companies lose millions of dollars due to employee drug use. Athletes break world records with gargantuan strength, but not on a fair scale. Drugs ruin the lives of users and cause injury to those who must work with users. Detection by officials is necessary to curb this problem. When does the safety for others violate the rights of drug users? Drug testing, whether in the workplace or on the athletic field, is not a violation of civil rights. "In 1988, the National Institute on Drug Abuse estimated that 12 percent of full-time employed Americans between the ages of 20 and 40 used an illicit drug" (Goldburg 62). Twenty percent of the 14.5 million Americans who use drugs are employed. This fact has convinced many that drug testing at the workplace should be mandatory (Goldburg 51). Sixty percent of the major corporations in America require drug testing as a condition of employment (Goldburg 50). Steven Mitchell Sack asserts that "Experts estimate that more than 50 percent of the major corporations in the United States now engage in drug and alcohol screening before hiring new employees; such tests are on the rise, particularly in high technology and security-conscious industries" (41). Because of such frequent testing, the number of applicants who test positive is down to under five percent (Sack 41). Not only do the companies pay the price for drug users, but so does the public. The public pays higher prices due to lost productivity from work-related accidents and job absenteeism caused by drug abuse (Goldburg 51). The average drug user is three times as late as fellow employees and has 2.5 times as many absences (Sack 141). A drug user is five times more likely to file a worker's compensation ... ...earche. July 1991:52. Goldburg, Raymond, ed. Taking Sides. Guilford, Connecticut: Dushkin, 1993. Huxford, Andrea. "What You Need to Know About Drug Testing in the Work Place." Netscape. Levy, Leonard W., ed. Encyclopedia of the American Constitution. New York: Macmillan, 1992. O'Brien, David. "Rx for Disaster." Sun-Sentinel. 14 July 1991: 52-54. "Policy of Clarkson Construction Company." Pamphlet. No other information given. Preferred Alliance. "The Road to D.O.T Compliance" Netscape. Sack, Steven Mitchell. From Hiring to Firing. New York: Legal Strategies, 1995. Wornsnop, Richard L. "Athletes and Drugs." CQ Reasearcher. 26 July 1991: 513-519. Zigarelli, Michael A. Can They Do That? A Guide to Your Rights on the Job. New York: Lexington, 1994

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How Upholding Ethical Values Helps an Organisation

HOW UPHOLDING ETHICAL VALUES HELPS AN ORGANIZATION THAT USES INFORMATION SYSTEMS? INTRODUCTION In order to understand the role of ethical values and the related ethical codes of conduct with regard to information systems in organization performance, there is need to put the, whole affair in a broad context as to the rise of ethical issues and dilemmas in the management of systems for organizational performance and development.Information systems has been defined as â€Å"a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store, retrieve and distribute data or/information in an organization referred to above facilitates decision making and control in an organization† The data or information referred to above facilitates decision making and control in an organisation and hence being crucial to organizational management and performance.It can therefore be said that the system of managing the collection, processing, storage, retrieval and distribution of data and information is what is termed as Management Information Systems. Infact Management Information Systems is about the relationship between management and the operations of an organization. When you think about this assertion, three things stand out; How IT or information systems improves the management of an organization How IT or information systems helps in the improvement of organizational performance How IT contributes to organizational developmentThe fact of the matter is that the rapid growth of Information Technology and hence the use of information system has contributed significantly to organizational management, improvement in organizational performance and organizational development in general. The rapid advancement in IT has led to creation of INTERNET and the rise of the DIGITAL FIRM. While significant achievements in social progress have been recorded, at the same time, it has led to social costs for other users, and the rise of computer crimes.Infect the rapid advancement of IT and the attendant use of information systems has created ethical issues and this is due to the following; I. T changes the distribution of decision making rights, power and other resources. For example IT makes it possible for millions of people to download video files weakening the exclusive rights of movie studios to control distribution for their own profit. IT creates new opportunities to commit crimes. For example e-mail creates conditions for extensive â€Å"Phishing† or online con games designed to defraud ordinary citizens.In this era if IT and the expansion of computer usage, ethical values for good management information system can be looked at in relation to the following ethical moral dimensions. Information rights and obligation – this is about ourselves as human beings and organizations Property rights and obligation – this is the protection of intellectual property rights Accountability and control – this pertains to who will be held accountab le in case harm is done. Systems quality – standards of data and systems quality.Quality of life – this is in connection with in the preservation of values and culture WHAT IS ETHICS Ethics refers to the principle of right and wrong which people use to make choices to guide their behavior and actions in the operations for organizational performance It is necessary here to reflect on some key technological trends which have led to ethical issues in information systems; Computing power doubles every 18 months. Almost everything is computerized. The over dependence on computers us giving rise to errors.As computer usage increases its use if being abused Rapidly declining data storage costs. Modern computer techniques have led to the creation of multiple databases. Software’s have become cheap and this led to some people to store phonographic material. Data making advances – the use of high speed search engines has led to things like harking. It has led to va luated access to information and hence interfering with people’s privacy and the confidentiality of organizational information and data is at stake. Advances in networking including the INTERNET – This has led to increased computer crime.Thus, as we witness increased technological advancement and the increased use of information systems, concern must be put on the attendant rise of computer crime and other ethical issues, ethical concerns and dilemmas in this era of globalization. Therefore organizations using information systems must concern themselves with the need to put in place ethical codes of conduct and enforce them with emphasis on inculcating into the minds of their employees the use of ethical values in their day to day work for the proposer management of their organizations and managementHOW THE USE OF ETHICAL VALUES CAN HELP AN ORGANISATION WHICH IS USING INFORMATION SYSTEMS Upholding ethical values in an organization using information systems is of benefi t to both within and outside stakeholders. That is To outside stakeholders, the organization gives assurance to its clients of security and confidentiality of their data. Hence the integrity of the organization is reaffirmed. Ethical values are used to assure people of fair and free judgment thus transparency in operation. Ethical values emphasize law and order which affect the behavior of employees in a desired direction.For example workers of an ethical upright organization would not spend working time moonlighting since they are aware of illegality involved in using organization resources for private work. Ethics controls dilemmas. For example it is not certain if software fits in intellectual property law since it is a code created by mathematical texts (Severson 1997 p. 33). Hence in such incidences the law would work best with morality. Ethics is used for consistent decision making at all levels of management in the organization because everyone would be aware of what is accep ted or not.For example someone from an ethically upright organization was asked to steal funds using the electronic fund transfer would immediately say no because he or she would know is wrong without putting too much thought on the benefits of stealing. Through upholding ethical values, trust among employees is established since they are assured of confidentiality. This in turn brings a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization. By ensuring ethical values, the security is made certain since the organization ensures that the hacking is illegal and punishable especially in incidences of uncertainty.Fair presentation ensures honesty and fairness in the market to avoid law suits despite the pressure to succeed. This encourages whistle blowing in order to avoid negative publicity that may tarnish the image of the organization in the public eye. For† example it is unethical for an organization to bribe a worker from a competitor company to be their informer on the compe titor’s plans. Ethical values act as a driving force to achieving organization goals and objectives thus increasing productivity.That is ethics provides basic guidelines on which behavior is more likely to achieve the best results in the wrong run instead of mixing wrong and right. An organization upholding ethical values controls misuse of organization resources. For example if the organization considers download if internet material like movies, music for personal gain as un ethical, then its workers may not do that and this would minimize wastage of internet data. Upholding ethical values would create a conducive working environment which would create team work and sense of belonging for the workers.This reduces chances of corruption and malice as everyone would look out for each other from bottom to top and top to bottom. This also reduces supervision of workers thus providing opportunities for innovation. For example in an ethically upright organization, the manager may enjoy leave away from work without worrying about decline of profits in his absence. REFERENCES C. A Raiborn&D. PayneCorporate codes of conduct: A collective conscience and continuum. Journal of Business ethics. 9:879-889, 1990.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dickens uses language Essay

When Mrs Gradgrind passes away in chapter nine, Dickens uses language to create sadness. Victorians loved sadness and tragedy in books and the portrayal of her death is done very emotionally. She is firstly described in the chapter as â€Å"helpless† and â€Å"feeble† to which the reader empathises with her. All people hate to see people they love and cherish grow old and weak and Dickens is brilliant in displaying the image of this. â€Å"The poor lady was nearer truth then she ever had been† This shows how Dickens disliked the utilitarian system, stating that Mrs Gradgrind’s nearest point of truth was on her death bed. As well as showing Dickens’s view, it also saddens the reader to know how close to death she is. On being told that â€Å"Lady Bounderby† had arrived, she retorted that â€Å"she had never called Bounderby by that name since he married Louisa† and that her choice of name for him was â€Å"J†. This will take the reader back to when she had no idea what to call him, and the memory is a nice one which again makes it sadder that she is dying. It also shows that she has not changed and is still the woman she used to be. She seems to â€Å"have no pulse†, but when Louisa kisses her hand, she can see â€Å"a thin thread of life† left in her. This description is again emotional as it shows how little life there is left in Mrs Gradgrind. Within the conversation between Louisa and her mother, Mrs Gradgrind often goes very â€Å"silent† for periods of time and has an â€Å"awful lull on her face, like one who was floating away on some great water† and â€Å"content to be carried down the stream†. This clever piece of descriptions meaning is that Mrs Gradgrind is slowly allowing herself to be carried into the â€Å"abyss† of death. But Louisa â€Å"recalls her† to ask what it was she wanted to speak to her about. The use of this river terminology is used again as Louisa again tries to stop her mother from â€Å"floating away†. Mrs Gradgrind is troubled because of what Louisa has not learned. She has learnt all the â€Å"ologies† from â€Å"day until night† but there is â€Å"something that her father missed,† She asked Louisa for a pen but â€Å"even the power of relentlessness had gone†. Even so, she â€Å"fancied that her request had been complied with and that the pen she could not have was held in her hand†. From this she began to â€Å"trace upon her wrappers†. It is very sad to see how Mrs Gradgrind is finally seeing the truth and wants Louisa too to see it but she cannot tell her and â€Å"the light that had always been so feeble and dim behind the weak transparency, went out† The figurative language used to describe both her weakness and death creates a solemn, melancholy surrounding and although she was never made to be a character the reader was so fond of, it is still saddening that she has passed away. It ends with a quote of religious terminology from the Psalm, Mrs Gradgrind â€Å"emerged from the shadow in which man walketh and disquieteth himself in vain†. This quote has a definite platonic reference to it as in Plato’s analogy of the cave, the prisoners who have seen shadows all their lives (which symbolise the visual world) needed to escape from the illusion created by their senses and find the truth. Throughout this section of the book, Mrs Gradgrind is said to be â€Å"closer to the truth then ever before† and â€Å"emerged from the shadow† so the Platonic reference is defiantly there. Mrs Sparsit resented Louisa from the moment she accepted the proposal from Mr Bounderby. It had been her plan all along to marry Mr Bounderby but this had been taken from her and her envy towards Louisa was immense. In chapter ten, Mrs Sparsit’s envy and grief are shown to be getting out of control and she, in her mind â€Å"erects a mighty staircase† that she believes Louisa to be on. At the bottom is a â€Å"dark pit of shame and ruin† and â€Å"down those stairs, from day to day and hour to hour, she saw Louisa coming†. Her physiological instability can be seen as she becomes obsessed with this ides, â€Å"it became the business of Mrs Sparsit’s life, to look up at her staircase, and to watch Louisa coming down†. If Louisa had once turned back, â€Å"it might have been the death of Mrs Sparsit in spleen and grief†. Mr Harthouse was a big part of this scheme, as he seemed to be â€Å"wooing† Louisa and the more time she spent with him, the closer she got to the bottom. â€Å"Mrs Sparsit had no intension of interrupting the descent† and was â€Å"eager to see it accomplished†. â€Å"She kept her wary gaze upon the stairs, and seldom so much as darkly shook her light mitten at the figure coming down. This scene does not bring sadness to the reader, but instead a certain amount of empathy to Louisa. She seems to be in the crossfire of everyone yet she is one of the most innocent of all. As she has rarely experienced emotions due to her â€Å"ology† filled bring up, she does not know how to react to Mr Harthouse who except in kindness as she believes he is being kind and honest to her. Yet his plan is to seduce her, and this is not out of love or passion, but to give him a challenge to fulfil. Mrs Sparsit wants her to fall into a pit of â€Å"shame and ruin† out of her own jealousy yet again, Louisa has no knowledge of this and has done nothing wrong to provoke it. There is a definite repetition throughout the chapter of Louisa’s â€Å"downfall† from the top to the bottom of the stairs which shows that, although patient, Mrs Sparsit is in no way stable and is becoming more and more addicted to this allegorical image in her mind. She watches Louisa like a hawk, waiting for her to make a mistake and get â€Å"nearer and nearer to the bottom†. In chapter twelve, Louisa goes home to seek her father. The chapter is bares huge turning points in the book as it marks the spark of emotion ignite in Louisa and Mr Gradgrind see the error of his system. The storm outside creates a pathetic fallacy with the mood inside the room. Louisa is described as â€Å"dishevelled†, â€Å"defiant† and â€Å"despairing† which is a shock as she has never had such vast emotive descriptions until then in the book. She first states to her father that â€Å"he has trained her from the cradle,† It is sad to see that she uses the word trained instead of loved or cherished as it makes her sound more like a dog then a daughter to him. She then bursts out with â€Å"I curse the hour in which I was born to such a destiny†. Her emotions have been unleashed and she is now angry, in despair and confused of what to do. She is dishevelled and has returned home to question her father on her life and its meaning. This is not sad for the reader, but it is very traumatising for Louisa which again creates empathy for her as she has finally realised the error in how she has been brought up. She asks him â€Å"Where are the graces of my soul? Where are the sentiments of my heart? What have you done O father, what have you done with the garden that should have bloomed once?† This metaphoric language shows her outburst of imagination and her exercise of â€Å"fancy†. She is asking him where is the love and emotion she does not have, and what he has done to stop her â€Å"strive against every natural prompting that has arisen in her heart†. Mr Gradgrind is â€Å"so unprepared† that he has difficulty answering and when he does, it is only to say â€Å"Yes, Louisa†. She goes on to say that she does not â€Å"reproach† him, as â€Å"what he has never nurtured in her, he has never nurtured in himself†. This creates a lot of respect and empathy for her as she is not condemning her father after all the years of no emotion and too much learning. It can be seen that this strive to teach him his errors is making an effect as he â€Å"bows his head upon his hand and groans aloud† and calls her â€Å"poor child†, realising the mistakes he has made. She asks him whether he would have â€Å"doomed her† to a life of loneliness or â€Å"robbed her† of how she should have been had he nurtured her differently if he could see how she would turn out. She then states that if he had ignored and hated her, how better off she might have been as she would have been â€Å"free†. She has been won over to the world of imagination and fancy. Throughout the chapter, he moves to support her as she is letting herself out and he actually begins to give her attention and love as a good father should. It is ironic that his child who he has taught his system to is the child who shows how insensible it really is. To conclude, Dickens uses language and dramatic disasters to create sadness throughout the second book. In 1854, the time at which the book was written, people loved romantic tragedy and trauma which the second book has with both Rachel and Stephan, and Mr Harthouse and Louisa. The death of Mrs Gradgrind is another tragedy which Dickens portrays well and is very emotional. He uses the metaphor of life as a river in which we all just drift down until the end and these uses of language as well as others he uses throughout the book are methods which Dickens uses to sadden the reader. The final scene in which Louisa lets out her emotions upon her father, condemning the day she was born and questioning his motives which lead her to be so dispassionate.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bargaining Power of Customers Essay Example

Bargaining Power of Customers Essay Example Bargaining Power of Customers Essay Bargaining Power of Customers Essay Bargaining Powers of Customers Porters’ competitive factors theory is a framework for industry analysis and corporate strategy development. It draws an overview picture that industry rivalry is affected by five main forces, which are bargaining powers of customers, bargaining powers of suppliers, threat of new entrant and threats of substitute products. Relating Porters’ thesis and the topic of managing customers, element named bargaining powers of customers, which can be briefly understood as the ability of customers putting to put firm under pressure, is the most important.To be more details, customers who finally consume products has bargaining power refer to the potential of buyers to bargain down the prices charged by the firms in the industry or to increase the firms cost in the industry by demanding better quality and service of product. Strong customers can extract profits out of an industry by lowering the prices and increasing the costs. (Porter, 2008) However , in the 21st century economic context, customers do not only want low price but they also desire to bargain on other aspects such as delivery, supports and performance.Firgure 1: Porters’ Five Competitive Factors Applying Porters’ model to Microsoft, as a company provide software, Microsoft’s customers always demand convenience package of product with affordable price, provision of products, technical supports, products’ performance also efficiency, especially for the group of customers are business as well as enterprises, which can considered as strong customers having direct influence to the company (may be stock price on the market).As is known, human beings want is unlimited so it is easy to understand that customer can bargain on price and quickly delivery at the same time due to the century of technology also faster and faster pace of life. In addition, some customers totally concentrate on requirements of products’ quality and effectiveness in order to minimise the repeating operating expense. Unsatisfactory customers can boycott Microsoft, public bad feedbacks resulting in the customer loss, being defeated by competitors.Microsoft understand the importance of customers so it has provided many programmes with aim to fulfil customers’ needs and make a good deal with them. Customer and Partner Experience (CPE) is one of the most successful customers supporting program of Microsoft. Every year, this team conduct a survey world wide, namely Global Research survey, so as to update customers’ taste as well as expectation. Aiming at raising customers’ opinions, CPE team drives all account managers combining with sales roles to request customers fill out a form.Basing on these examinations, Microsoft sum up a net satisfaction points and put them as goals to improve in the next year. At last but not least, understanding the need of customers on immediately communicate with company, Microsoft have made many direct connection ways available such as hotline (Australian hotline is 13 20 58), social media (Facebook, Twitter), particular email addresses for each different product and Microsoft Connect. With a wide range of instantly communicate, customers can easily get support from Microsoft and their problems can be quickly solved.

Monday, October 21, 2019

American Dental Association Essays

American Dental Association Essays American Dental Association Essay American Dental Association Essay Attendees: 1) Dr. Ghanim Al Mannai ,Consultant, Asst. Chairman 2) Dr. Abdul HakkimAl Mandaei, Cinsultant, Wakra Dental In charge 3) Dr. Mazin Askar, Sr. Consultant, Head of Section , Endodontic Restorative Dentistry 4) Dr. Kheralla A/ Rahim, Sr. Consultant, Head of Section, Proshodontics 5) Dr. Najat Al Hashemi, Sr. Consultant, Head of Section, Orthodontics 6) Dr. Ghada Abu Shawish, Consultant, A/Head of Periodontics 7) Dr. Banoo Ilkhan, Consultant, Prosthodontics(AWH). 8) Dr. Mutaz, Sr. consultant, Endodontic Restorative Dentistry(AWH) 9) Dr. Ali Khan,Specilaist, Orthodontics(AWH) 10) Dr. Abullah Ali, Specialist, Orthodontics(AWH) 11) Dr. Imanuel Symendosis, Consultant, PEriodontics (AWH) 12) Dr. Lamees Al Faridi, Clinical Associate(AWH) 13) MR. Dental Laboratory( AWH) 14) MR. 15) Ms. Yolenda, Nurse In-Charge, Dentistry 16) Mr†¦.. Dental Laboratory( AWH) In the absence of Dr. Henno Rainer Miethke( Chairman,Dept.of Dentistry) Dr Ghanim Al Mannai had led an extraordinary meeting for Al- Wakra Dental Dept. Dr Abdul Hakim, Al Wakra in charge briefed the problems relating to the delayment of the opening of Al Wakra Dental Section. The main initiative of this meeting was to give the list of required equipments to the concerned head of sections of dentistry. Dr Ghanim suggested that, a report of those equipments which are not compatible with the required specifications for all concerned sections should be made. Since the lab equipments are inadequate, the relevant staff would have to work in our dental laboratory and their transportation should be prearranged. Dr Abdul Hakim revealed that sterilization Department would function immediately after a week whereas pedodonitcs was already set up. Dr Ghanim and Dr Abdul Hakim assigned each head of sections(Al Wakra) should coordinate with concerned head sections of dentistry to understand what procedure should be done to obtain all relevant information for the requirement of equipments for different sections. The Head of Sections of Dentistry can support them, by providing required information and supply spare equipments for Al Wakra Dentistry Department. Dr Ghanim informed everybody, regarding the involvement and approval of Mr. Maqsood Ibrahim (A/Executive Director) as . Finally Dr Ghanim suggested Dr. Abdul Hakim to provide the list of equipments that are required for Al- Wakra dental section to the Nursing incharge.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Get a Certified Copy of Your Birth Certificate

Get a Certified Copy of Your Birth Certificate A certified copy of an original birth certificate is becoming increasingly important as a required form of identification. A certified birth certificate copy is required for getting a US passport and when applying for Social Security benefits. It is also  considered valid proof of US citizenship by federal, state and local government agencies. A birth certificate may be required when applying for some jobs and may, in the future, be required when getting or renewing a drivers license. Best to Get a 'Certified' Copy of Your Birth Certificate In most cases, a simple photocopy of your original birth certificate will not be considered as a sufficient form of identification. Instead, you will be required to have a certified copy of your birth certificate issued by the state in which your birth was recorded.   A certified copy of a birth certificate has an official state registrars raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, registrars signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrars office, which must be within one year of the persons date of birth. NOTE: A certified  copy of the applicant’s birth certificate is required when applying for the Transportation Safety Administration’s (TSA) popular  PreCheck  program, which allows members to pass through the security lines at more than 180 airports without needing to remove their shoes, laptops, liquids, belts, and light jackets. The importance of having a certified copy of your birth certificate should never be understated. Indeed, in the United States, it is considered the Holy Grail of proof of identity. Certified copies of birth certificates are one of the four vital records (birth, death, marriage, and divorce) that can be used to prove U.S. citizenship. How to Get a Certified Birth Certificate The federal government does not provide copies of birth certificates, marriage licenses, divorce decrees, death certificates, or any other personal vital records. Copies of birth certificates and other personal vital records can only be obtained from the state or US possession where the documents were originally filed. Most states provide a centralized source from which birth certificates and other vital records can be ordered. Each state and US possession  will have its own set of rules and fees for ordering certified birth certificates on other vital records. Rules, ordering instructions and fees for all 50 states, the District of Columbia and all US possessions can be found on the Where to Write for Vital Records web page, helpfully maintained by the US Centers for Disease Control. Do Not Order the 'Abstract' Version When ordering, be aware that shortened (abstract) versions of birth certificates offered by some states may not be acceptable when applying for a US passport, drivers license, Social Security benefits or many other purposes. Be sure to order only the full, certified copy of the original birth certificate bearing the registrars raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, registrars signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrars office. If You Need to Replace Your Original Birth Certificate In some cases, you may need to replace your original birth certificate. Find the website of the vital records office in the state where you were born and follow their walk in, write in, or online application instructions. You will probably need a state-issued form of photo ID, like driver’s license. If you don’t have a state-issued photo ID, call and see what options may be available. One solution some states offer is to have your mother or father whose name is on the birth certificate submit a notarized letter with a copy of their photo ID for the request.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Leadership when chance occurs the effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership when chance occurs the effects - Essay Example â€Å"A leader is a person who has a vision, a drive and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the skills to make it happen† (Reh, 2010). Given the enormous demerits of the conventional practices worldwide that have resulted into unsustainable development, pollution and global warming, people require a change and leadership addresses their concern. Very few people are actually accoutered with adequate knowledge of what leadership is, what to talk of the number of people who actually practice it! A vast majority of people confuse leadership with management. In fact, the former is an effort towards change, and the latter, towards sound administration of what already exists. One of the biggest hurdles in the way of effective leadership is lack of trust among the followers. Owing to the political upsets that have affected the contemporary society all over the world, people have lost confidence in their leaders. Their lack of confidence declines their sincerity with their leaders and ultimately, this results in lack of compliance with the instructions and guidelines provided by the leaders. Followers’ lack of trust in their leaders has also got a severely negative influence on the economic stability and strength of a nation. For example, let’s look at this matter in the context of an organizational setup. When subordinates do not have confidence in their leader, they tend not to trust him/her. In such circumstances, when a leader passes on an instruction, the followers analyze the instruction with respect to all possible repercussions before acting according to it because they are not sure if the leader was watchful of all possible consequen ces that could be unfavorable for the followers in any way. The followers’ analysis of the leader’s instruction consumes time and the process experiences delays. All this time goes unproductive and the organization incurs additional administrative and management costs

Persuasion and Argumentation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Persuasion and Argumentation - Research Paper Example sitized children through operant and classical conditioning, while also presenting role models of violence; nevertheless, some of Grossman’s claims have to be checked for their accuracy and generalization effects. Grossman effectively uses ethos to establish his credentials as someone who knows what he is saying when it comes to training people to kill. He describes his profession and experiences with the army to underline that he has valid empirical and anecdotal knowledge, which can back up his claims. He says that he has travelled the world to train medical, law enforcement, and military personnel sharing knowledge about warfare conditions. He also claims to be an expert in â€Å"killology† because he is a psychologist and a former U.S. Army Scout Ranger. Killology is a new branch of science that concerns the study of how and why people kill each other during war, as well as the causes of violence. His credentials and experiences are important to ethos because he effectively establishes his background and proficiency on this matter. He stresses that he possess an insider experience and he can see valid parallels between training soldiers to kill and how the media trains children to kill as well. His beliefs support numerous studies, such as those from Daly and Perez in 2009 and Huston-Stein et al. in 1981, where exposing pre-school children to media violence increased aggressive behaviors and decreased pro-social behaviors. These studies are similar to the studies and experiences that Grossman mentions, which strengthens his credibility as a valid critic of the effects of violence in media on children. Grossman uses simple emotional images to evoke revulsion for media violence. In a study which explains the connection between TV violence and actual violence, he stresses that it takes fifteen years to condition people to kill. He says that the â€Å"prime crime age† is 15 years because â€Å"that is how long it takes for you to reap what you have sown when you

Friday, October 18, 2019

Paraphrasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Paraphrasing - Essay Example This course changed my belief immensely and I have also found out why they acted the way they did during the rule of Nazi and eventually under Adolf Hitler. I came to know how propaganda was used within the said time in an effective manner by Hitler and Nazi to get as much support from masses as possible. I also came to know that Hitler was loved by people since they believed in his passion and desire to do something for them (Gutsman, 1990.p.132). They were of the view that his undertakings were for the sake of the people at large. In essence, I would like to fathom that I learned a great deal about nationalism within this course which is something that gives me immense heart as my learning domains have increased over a period of time. This is something that I see as my learning during the length of this course. I have learned quite a few new things about Germans and the country that all of us know by the name of Germany. My insights have banked on the realization that any enlightened society can become horrible if bias, prejudice and racist slurs creep in. Same is the case with Germany and its people. It has been haunting them to this day and has set a negative mindset all round within the world. I do not consider myself as an exception to this rule. Moreover, I have learned that manipulations within cultural values and settings do take place, and it is imperative that people are given the chance to observe both sides of a story before reaching a conclusion. My case is no different because I learned that Germans have been misunderstood and that they need to be given their relevant time and space to showcase their true selves. I also acquired that nationalism is an important manifestation which one needs to have b ecause it defines who he is and what he can learn about a distinct set of people. In the end, I would like to recollect that

Response to a newspaper editorial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Response to a newspaper editorial - Essay Example On the contrary, Steve Jobs and his counterparts know what other parents do not - the dangers of technology – and for that reason, they ensure their families and technology are worlds apart. Parents and kids, particularly those who use the iPad, would find this article very useful. Perhaps there is the need for a rethinking on this subject. The explosive growth of digital devices and smartphones is transforming the lives of children, at home and in school. Research reveals that even the youngest children are present online, using smartphones and tablets, and downloading apps. Consumer Reports published last year reveal that over 7.5 million children in America under age 13 are using Facebook, which technically requires all users to be 13 years and above to be eligible to open an account. Nobody has an idea on what technology and media use will mean for children as they grow up. Pawlowski’s does not directly hit at the iPads for children, but her major concern is that children are more prone to mess up with the devices if not supervised. In essence, she argues that technology is not evil for children as Steve Jobs portrays in his stringent measures against the use of the devices back at home, but parents should keenly monitor and regulate the same. Her strongest evidence to support this position lies in the recommendations tabled by the American Academy for Pediatrics, in which children and teenagers should not spend more than two hours a day using the gadgets and that children under two years should be allowed half an hour daily so long as the activity is one that engages them. Precisely, parents should ration technology use similar to the administration of a balanced diet. Only this way will the children enjoy the benefits of digital technology in a healthy way. This trend calls for intensified supervision by parents to realize its effectiveness. The problem with the recommendation above is that parents are

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assignment 4 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment 4 - Case Study Example If cooperation were present in the organization, relationships between employees and employers and among the employees would improve. Question #2 There are several problems facing Frank Questin as the Product Engineering Manager of the organization. First, he does not believe in himself with respect to his job. He constantly doubts his capacity to deal with complex situations despite being his very first time to hold a managerial position (Silverman 677). Second, he has managerial issues in that he does not complete most of his tasks on time. Additionally, his team management skills are lacking in spite of the fact that he has introduced teamwork in the organization. Third, the motivation of his employees is also deficient. This is because some of his employees are dissatisfied with their positions to the point that they would like to quit. Additionally, he receives and addresses many complaints in a day. Furthermore, at one time, he had some overdue performance appraisals. Question #3 Frank’s management style has certain pros and cons. The pros include that he facilitates and encourages teamwork and communication in the organization. ... Question#4 The major cause of conflicts among the major departments is the lack of a clear definition of roles and those responsible for these roles. This is the reason behind some employees being unavailable to help their peers in common challenges. Additionally, this has resulted in production of underperforming and faulty products. To resolve this issue, the manager must redefine all roles and ensure that all individuals are aware of their roles. This would improve the flow of work and thus reduce conflicts and complaints. Question #5 The organizational structure of Custom Chip has its pros and cons. The pros include that the employees are clearly aware of their immediate leaders. Additionally, the employees have a clear path through which they would get to a specific position when promoted. The cons include that although the employees know the immediate leader, they are not clear on a precise leader to whom they should turn for specific problems. Moreover, although the structure is clear, it does not fulfill its roles that include provision of clear work processes and roles for individual positions. Furthermore, the organization does not appear to have a specified culture that the employees follow. An organization’s culture defines the values and behaviors of employees while performing their duties. In addition, the structure lacks innovation and flexibility. Here, self-regulating teams have not been established. Such teams are flexible and have the opportunity to test their ideas so as to facilitate innovation. Question #6 To improve the current situation, Frank should take specific appropriate steps that include variation of leadership styles. First, he

Impact o Mergers and Acquisitions on Financial Performance Essay

Impact o Mergers and Acquisitions on Financial Performance - Essay Example The context of this study represents understanding mergers and acquisitions, and their impact upon financial performance. The preceding statement carries a broad number of facets that need to be considered and equated in delving into such an inquiry. Mergers and acquisitions represent the decision of one and or both companies whereby combining their operations, merger, represents an arrangement that will enhance shareholder value through the synergies of operation that will occur (Mullins, 2003). In general, mergers occur through the pooling of the company's stock, which is derived at via a ratio that is specified through stock price, market capitalization and other measures, with the formation of a new company, usually representing the name of one or both of the two entities involved (Mullins, 2003). An acquisition differs from a merger in that it represents the takeover of one company of another that can be termed as being either friendly, or hostile (investopedia, 2008). In equating the word acquisition, one also needs to be cognizant of how the takeover is phrased by the companies in question. Not all so called acquisitions are acquisitions, but in fact mergers if both companies agreed to the terms and are cooperating in the analysis of benefits for shareholders as well as the futures of the firms, then in effect, this type of acquisition is in reality a merger, interchangeable words, depending upon circumstances and conditions (, 2007). When the targeted company is not seeking or does not want to be acquired, then these are always termed as being acquisitions, many of which are called hostile (, 2007). 2.0 The Rationales Behind Mergers and Acquisitions In order to equate the impact upon financial performance as represented by mergers and acquisitions, the rationales and decisions behind these activities will aid in providing insight as to the purpose(s) of management in seeking this course of action. Canals (1997, p. 1) helps to provide

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Assignment 4 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment 4 - Case Study Example If cooperation were present in the organization, relationships between employees and employers and among the employees would improve. Question #2 There are several problems facing Frank Questin as the Product Engineering Manager of the organization. First, he does not believe in himself with respect to his job. He constantly doubts his capacity to deal with complex situations despite being his very first time to hold a managerial position (Silverman 677). Second, he has managerial issues in that he does not complete most of his tasks on time. Additionally, his team management skills are lacking in spite of the fact that he has introduced teamwork in the organization. Third, the motivation of his employees is also deficient. This is because some of his employees are dissatisfied with their positions to the point that they would like to quit. Additionally, he receives and addresses many complaints in a day. Furthermore, at one time, he had some overdue performance appraisals. Question #3 Frank’s management style has certain pros and cons. The pros include that he facilitates and encourages teamwork and communication in the organization. ... Question#4 The major cause of conflicts among the major departments is the lack of a clear definition of roles and those responsible for these roles. This is the reason behind some employees being unavailable to help their peers in common challenges. Additionally, this has resulted in production of underperforming and faulty products. To resolve this issue, the manager must redefine all roles and ensure that all individuals are aware of their roles. This would improve the flow of work and thus reduce conflicts and complaints. Question #5 The organizational structure of Custom Chip has its pros and cons. The pros include that the employees are clearly aware of their immediate leaders. Additionally, the employees have a clear path through which they would get to a specific position when promoted. The cons include that although the employees know the immediate leader, they are not clear on a precise leader to whom they should turn for specific problems. Moreover, although the structure is clear, it does not fulfill its roles that include provision of clear work processes and roles for individual positions. Furthermore, the organization does not appear to have a specified culture that the employees follow. An organization’s culture defines the values and behaviors of employees while performing their duties. In addition, the structure lacks innovation and flexibility. Here, self-regulating teams have not been established. Such teams are flexible and have the opportunity to test their ideas so as to facilitate innovation. Question #6 To improve the current situation, Frank should take specific appropriate steps that include variation of leadership styles. First, he

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Racial Prejudice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Racial Prejudice - Essay Example A stereotype is an exaggerated belief, image or distorted truth about a person or group — a generalisation that allows for little or no individual differences or social variation. Stereotypes are based on images in mass media, or reputations passed on by parents, peers and other members of society. Prejudices are often accompanied by ignorance, fear or hatred. Prejudices are formed by a complex psychological process that begins with attachment to a close circle of acquaintances or an "in-group" such as a family. Prejudice is often aimed at "out-groups." Discrimination is behaviour that treats people unequally because of their group memberships. Discriminatory behaviour, ranging from slights to hate crimes, often begins with negative stereotypes and prejudices. Though most people feel that they are not racist, almost everyone has some form of racist attitude. How could they not know it? Racism can be Explicit, where it is outward, easily recognisable, and generally acknowledged. The segregation and discrimination if the US South in the 1950s was a form of explicit racism. It left little doubt that it existed and those that supported it did so openly. Racism may also be Implicit. These are the unconscious feelings we have and react to that result in prejudicial behaviour and discrimination without our conscious knowledge. We may get a sudden sense of fear if we board an aeroplane and see an Arab passenger aboard, or be fearful when we are followed by a young minority male at night. Our sub-conscious is reacting to the stereotypes that are ingrained in our mind. This is not a conscious rational decision to be prejudice, and the fears are unrealistic. The stereotypes and attitudes that create prejudice come from a variety of sources that we encounter everyday. They may come from our family, our friends, the workplace, the media, or a personal experience. They have in common the fact that they

Monday, October 14, 2019

Power and Communication Essay Example for Free

Power and Communication Essay Language discrimination has been prevalent in society for thousands of years. This has been something that happens in every civilization and will not stop now. Language discrimination is unfair treatment of an individual by the way that they compose themselves in a verbal matter. What I mean by this is to treat someone unjust because of factors such as accents, vocabulary size, or just that they speak a different language. This happens a lot to tourists who don’t know how to speak proper English in the United States. I have lived in the United States my whole life and I have witnessed multiple accounts of this. There are multiple situations in which language discrimination occurs. Situations include work, school, vacation spots, and in the general public. The workplace is supposed to be free of any type of discrimination but it is not. People are discriminated against if they speak different or even remotely act differently than what we experience inside the walls of our community. School kids are picked on by other kids if they are a different nationality, this being because they speak different languages and are trying to learn the English language. Tourists on vacation trying to enjoy their stay are constantly pressed with the fact that next to nobody around them knows their native language providing a barrier of communication. The general public tends to look down on a person if they have a speech impediment or an accent even if they are still natives of the United States. They are made to look like tourists in a nation of their own. Some examples of language discrimination I have observed come mainly within my own community. I have witnessed people from work picking on other individuals because they are a different nationality such as Hispanic. Some Hispanics are American-Hispanic being born in the United States. They are typically not discriminated against like the full blood Hispanics are. This  is because they have not grown up in such a culture before and are trying to adapt. The same thing would happen to me if I was traveling to a different country. I would be looked at as an outsider as soon as I open my mouth. There are many identity labels that contribute to discrimination. Labels such as â€Å"Working class† or â€Å"Black† are just a few of them. These are a form of discrimination in themself. Labels are a way to identify someone in the wrong way. They may be â€Å"working class† but may not want to be considered as that. They may want to be known as â€Å"rich† or â€Å"powerful†. Or may find it an insult because they have to work to make a living. â€Å"Black† is also a common term used to identify some African-Americans. This is discrimination because one individual is not better than the next. This may be degrading to anyone who is classified under any sort of label. I do not believe that discrimination in communication is ethical because I feel as if it is a nonverbal or verbal form of abuse. It can be degrading at times and can cause a person to be uncomfortable in their own community. Regardless if I agree with discrimination or not, it will still continue to happen even long after I’m gone.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Pre-speech Thought :: essays research papers

Speech is defined as the use of audible words and/or sounds to communicate. But doesn’t it involve much more? This is where what I call pre-speech thoughts comes into play. In any normal person, much thought goes into what they say or do, since very rarely do people talk just to communicate. People talk with a given motive in mind, be it to obtain, impress, or to pass time. However, when people speak, they prepare themselves ahead of time within their mind. They prepare their phrases, predict what the other person would say or how they would respond, and prepare answers or phrases in a way fitting each of the predicted responses the other person could have, all before the speaking even begins. Take the following example into mind: A boy sees a girl who is attractive to him and of course would like to speak to, and perhaps, court her. Through his head run many phrases that he has perhaps heard elsewhere or formulated on his own. Before even approaching her he plans his actions: will he say â€Å"hi†, â€Å"hello†, â€Å"what’s up†, or a similar greeting. He then decides whether or not he will continue the action and follow up with a way to connect with the girl in some way with a phrase such as â€Å"My name is [ ] what’s your name?† or â€Å"Do you come here often?† The boy predicts her answers and formulates responses accordingly. If she says, â€Å"Yes, I come here all the time,† he will say â€Å"Really, me too, but I haven’t seen you here before.† But if she says â€Å"No, not really,† he will say â€Å"Oh, are you from around here?† or a similar response. He will then plan to try to find a connection, and given her respons e, he will try to expand on it. For example, is she says â€Å"yes†, he might ask, â€Å"Do you live close?† and try to expand on that phrase in engage in conversation. All this occurs before he even approaches the girl, although some people might plan to different levels, all people do indeed plan. If he knew the girl came to the same place every weekend, he might plan for days without knowing it. I don’t mean in an obsessive way, but in a nonchalant way, just a few days before the weekend. He might even subconsciously prepare physically for the meeting by â€Å"dressing up† or putting on his favorite cologne in order to be more presentable or simply to impress.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

jane eyre, a passage to india , and the tempest :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jane Eyre, A passage to India, and The Tempest all hold within their covers’ stories of women or girls who knowingly and unknowingly affected the lives of men they were involved with. However, the females’ range of influence does vary between the books due the writer’s opinions of the female sex. The strength and influence of women did and will continue to have an affect on the men they are surrounded by as well as our society as a whole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jane Eyre begins as a young, weak girl and buds into a strong, independent woman. Because of her strength and amount of growth she is able to influence and change one very important man in her life. Mr. Rochester when he meets Jane is a very cold man. He loves no one, not Adele the child that is possibly his of Miss. Ingram a woman he would soon be engaged to. As her time a Thornfield Hall lengthens the reader watches his transformation from the man calling her Miss. Eyre to the man who begs her love him, stay with him and marry him. Charlotte Bronte shows through Jane’s impact on Rochester, as well as her own metamorphosis, that women are strong and capable as well as important to their society and the men they meet. The influence Jane had on Rochester and the fortitude she showed would allow society to see what a woman is capable of and in turn has the women reading encouraged to do the same. The way Bronte portrayed Jane affected not only Rochester but t he women and men of society today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dr. Azziz, when met with Mrs. Moore, is immediately drawn to her. He befriends her and through this friendship he is changes. Before he knew Mrs. Moore he didn’t have a strong liking of the English though he tolerated and even got along with them. Mrs. Moore, however, gave him a way to understand them and because of her influence he began friendships with Mr. Fielding and Mrs. Quested. After the cave incident the way Mrs. Moore viewed life had changed and she became a very negative person. Dr. Azziz just like Mrs. Moore became very angry and negative when she in a way abandoned him. Mrs. Moore’s character has the ability to make society take a second look at the muddle of India and consider is as more than that.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Muriel’s wedding critical analysis Essay

In Muriel’s wedding, the perception of comedian has soon arrived into a melodrama derived by P.J Hogan, as the film covers the low self-esteem Muriel in breaking through the bondages around her family and friends, trespassing from suburban to civilisation. Muriel begins the film as an overweight loser from Queensland, a woman trapped by a dysfunctional family, an apathetic neighbourhood, and a clique of beautiful â€Å"best friends.† The movie opens with a shot of a beautiful friend’s wedding, where one of the clique members is shown having an affair with the groom. The movie moves that fast: credits, wedding, affair. Before the scandalous couple have time to emerge from their private room the ugly misfit Muriel is taken into custody by the police. Apparently, she never paid for her leopard-print dress. (3) Hogan establishes his characters rather quickly. The evil clique is made up of Barbie look-alikes who criticize Muriel for not wearing frosted lipstick. Murie l is clumsy, overweight and â€Å"useless,† hopelessly ostracized from the inner circle by her unemployment and consequent failure to follow fashion. â€Å"I’ve got a job,† Muriel tells them, referring to a cosmetics sales position offered by her father’s mistress. â€Å"It’s not your clothes,† the friends retort, it’s you.† Crushed, Muriel steals money from her parents and buys a holiday at the same resort where the clique is staying. Once there she meets up with a friend from high school (Rachel Griffiths) whose noble character is symbolized by her short black hair and indifference toward fashion. The two women celebrate their independence from the neurosis of Porpoise Spit by running away to Sydney, where they get jobs, meet men, and have the time of their lives. â€Å"When I was living in Porpoise Spit I used to sit in my room all day and listen to Abba songs,† Muriel says. â€Å"Since I’ve come to Sydney, I haven’t listened to Abba at all.† Muriel’s Wedding uses the songs of the Swedish supergroup as a clever link to the thoughts and feelings of Muriel, a young Australian woman obsessed with becoming married as soon as possible. Muriel lives with her go-nowhere family in the town of Porpoise Spit, where she spends most of her time in her room, listening to ABBA when her father isn’t giving her grief. The point of this movie is very simple: in order to escape from insecurity and stagnant immobility one must rebel against the conventions held by beautiful people, cut one’s hair, buy a new wardrobe, and forge a new life on one’s own. If theft and dishonesty are the only ways that these ends can by achieved, so much the better. Another point of symbolisation in this case can be compared by the use of location VS Muriel’s self esteem. Read Also:  Critical Analysis Essay Topics Viewers can compare Muriel’s self esteem from the beginning as she stays in Porpoise Spit a so call suburbia or small town where she’s in search of a higher self esteem where here Sydney takes place. Although her ultimate utopia is still the wedding, however once met, she would kindly realize that life is far more beyond. (1)(6) Sadly to say that throughout the whole film, none of the scenes appear natural, instead, they look like Hogan has manipulated the gray shades of everyday experience in order to come up with a cast of characters that are either too black, too white, too good, or too obviously evil. Although Muriel’s Wedding does an excellent job of conveying the attitudes and economic realities of small Australian towns, it fails to capture the subtle interludes of conversation that make characters seem like real people. For example, the character of Muriel’s mother (Jeanie Drynan) is not developed at all. She is shown once standing in her kitchen, lost in a zombie-like trance, and then again in a restaurant, oblivious to the presence of her husband’s mistress. It is not until Muriel ignores her at her own wedding and Muriel’s father moves in with his mistress that we see this woman come to life, and then she kills herself. (6) Muriel’s father is another stock character, as is her celebrity immigrant husband. Hogan may as well have used cardboard cut outs to play their roles, writing â€Å"philandering politician† on one and â€Å"Olympic diver† on the other. Their lives do not figure into the plot of the movie; what matters is what they can do for Muriel. In the end they each contribute about ten grand. Muriel’s Wedding is an entertaining film after all with a bit of an identity crisis: it doesn’t know if it wants to be a comedy or a drama. The filmmakers perpetually toy with the viewers, dragging them from high comedy to melodramatic tragedy in a heartbeat, and more than once. This problem arises whenever the camera is not on Muriel, who really owns this picture completely. Whenever the plastic su pporting cast is the main focus, the film falls flat. A tacked-on, bittersweet ending doesn’t help, either. Reference 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.)’sWedding.htm

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ch 9 and 10

How are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis different? Osteoarthritis usually affects people 60 or older and is caused by increasing wear and tear at the joint surfaces or from genetic factors affecting collagen formation. On the other hand rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition. It is caused by the body attacking its own tissues as well as allergies, bacteria, viruses, and other genetic factors. 2) When the triceps brachii muscle contracts, what movements does it produce? When the triceps brachii muscle contracts, it produces extension of the arm. ) Why is the inferior region of the shoulder joint most vulnerable to dislocation? It is most vulnerable to dislocation because it is the most mobile synovial joint. Because of this it is frail and relies only on the surrounding ligaments, muscles, and tendons for stability. 4) A high school student comes to the emergency room complaining of persistent pain and stiffness in her shoulder joint. In talking with her, you discov er that she has been spending many hours trying to improve her pitching skills for her school's softball team.What is likely causing the pain? A shoulder subluxation is most likely causing her pain. This is a partial dislocation of the shoulder and is caused by her overusing her shoulder. This may cause a loose shoulder where her shoulder capsule will be stretched out as well as the ligaments. This could further lead to chronic shoulder instability. 5) Mary wants to enter a weight-lifting competition and consults you as to what type of muscle fibers she needs to develop and how she should go about it. What would you suggest to her?Mary needs to develop her fast muscle fibers. In order to do this, she will need to have frequent, brief and intensive workouts. She also needs to create muscle hypertrophy which will create an enlargement of the stimulated muscle. She can gain this by repeated and exhaustive stimulation which will create more mitochondria. With repeatedly stimulated muscl es she can create near-maximal tension. 6) Describe the basic sequence of events that occurs at the neuromuscular junction and in the muscle cell.The first step is the arrival of an action potential at the synaptic terminal, next is the release of acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft, then Ach binds at the motor end plate and causes sodium-ion to rush into sarcoplasm which is then quickly broken down by AChE. The last step is it returns to initial state which occurs if another action potential arrives at the NMJ. 7) Many visceral smooth muscle cells lack motor neuron innervation. How are their contractions coordinated and controlled? Visceral smooth muscle cell’s contractions are coordinated by rhythmic cycles of activity that are controlled by pacesetter cells. ) A hypothetical genetic disease causes the body to produce antibodies that compete with acetylcholine for receptors on the motor end plate. Patients with this disease exhibit varying degrees of muscle weakness and f laccid paralysis in the affected muscles. If you could administer a drug that inhibits acetylcholinesterase or a drug that blocks acetylcholine, which one would you use to alleviate these symptoms? I would use a drug that inhibits acetylcholinesterase so that acetylcholine is not blocked.If the disease is producing antibodies that compete with acetylcholine than we would not want a drug that blocks it, we would want to inhibit it to activate the muscles. 9) Thirty minutes after Mary has completed a 25-km race, she begins to notice severe muscle soreness and stiffness in her legs. Her urine is dark colored. She wonders whether she may have damaged her muscles during the race. She visits the ER, and the doctor orders several blood tests. What kind of blood tests can help determine whether muscle damage has occurred?The type of blood tests that can help determine whether muscle damage has occurred include Creatine kinase tests, blood enzyme tests, kidney tests, electrolytes tests, red blood cells tests, and a complete blood count test. 10) Describe a motor unit. How many fibers does a muscle unit contain? A motor unit is controlled by a single motor neuron. It contains hundreds of muscle fibers that contract at the same time. All of the fibers will be the same type and the number of muscle fibers will vary within each unit. Usually, the number of muscle fibers innervated by a motor unit is a purpose of a muscle's need for polished motion

Effects of Teenage Smoking

The Effects of Smoking on Adolescent Behavior and Their Ability to Perform Well in School James Grimes Eastern Kentucky University Abstract There is a considerable body of empirical research that has identified adolescent peer relationships as a primary factor involved in adolescent cigarette smoking. Despite this large research base, many questions remain unanswered about the mechanisms by which peers affect youths’ smoking behavior. Understanding these processes of influence is the key to the development of prevention and intervention programs designed to address adolescent smoking as a significant public health concern.In this paper, theoretical frameworks and empirical findings are reviewed critically which inform the current state of knowledge regarding peer influences on teenage smoking. Specifically, social learning theory, primary socialization theory, social identity theory and social network theory are discussed. Empirical findings regarding peer influence and select ion, as well as multiple reference points in adolescent friendships, including best friendships, romantic relationships, peer groups and social crowds, are also reviewed.Review of this work reveals the contribution that peers have in adolescents’ use of tobacco, in some cases promoting use, and in other cases deterring it. The Effects of Smoking on Adolescent Behavior and Their Ability to Perform Well in School Introduction Smoking by adolescents is a social activity and subject to peer pressure. Peers may offer information on where to buy cigarettes and even how to smoke them. Teenagers are often evaluated by the peers as to how cool he or she may be.Popular culture dictates an association between smoking and being a cool kid as much as wearing the right clothes, having a certain haircut, and being friends with the right people. In a since, smoking is a way of reflecting an identity. Knowing this one must ask is smoking by adolescents is really an act they wish to perform. W hether you smoke or not can determine who your friends may be. Kobus (2003) suggests that non smokers tend to befriend non smokers and smokers tend to befriend smokers. Non smokers that do become friends with smokers run a much higher risk at becoming a smoker themselves.Hypothesis In this study, I believe that adolescent who smoke will most likely have friends who smoke. I believe this study will show that 25% of the teenagers polled will be smokers and 80% of them will be friends with other smokers. It will also prove that the non smokers will be less likely to be friends with smokers. Literature Review Kobus (2003) suggests that peer relationships are the primary factor involved in cigarette smoking. Specifically, social learning theory, primary socialization theory, social identity theory and social network theory are discussed.Empirical findings regarding peer influence and selection, as well as multiple reference points in adolescent friendships, including best friendships, ro mantic relationships, peer groups and social crowds, are also reviewed. Patton, Hibbert, Rosier, Carlin, Caust, and Bowes (1996) state that an association of smoking with depression and anxiety has been documented in adult smokers. Subjects reporting high levels of depression and anxiety were twice as likely to be smokers after the potential confounders of year level; sex, alcohol use, and parental smoking were controlled for.Regular smokers were almost twice as likely as occasional smokers to report high levels of depression and anxiety. In trying to determine whether smoking can influence a student's school performance, Te-wei, Zihua, and Keeler (1998) report there’s no direct causation from smoking to school performance, but smoking might have an indirect effect, leading to other delinquency behaviors or drug abuse. These behaviors, in turn, could lead to poor school performance. However, the main argument against this hypothesis is that smoking is a relatively common beha vior relative to other factors that lead to antisocial behaviors.Methodology Population The population I used in this study of sophomore students in Ms. Powell’s math classes at McCreary Central High. I posted a survey to a web site and have asked all that would to take the survey. Instruments I started my survey by asking a yes or no question: â€Å"Do you smoke? † Then I asked all the non smokers the following 5 questions: 1. Are you male or female? 2. Does either of your parents smoke? 3. Do you feel pressure from your friends to smoke? 4. Would you have a best friend that smokes? 5. What is your average grade in school? Then I asked all smokers the following questions: 1.Are you male or female? 2. Does either of your parents smoke? 3. Do you pressure your friends to smoke? 4. Does your best friend smoke? 5. What is your average grade in school? Data Analysis At the time of writing this draft I have not collected any data yet. I will add this on my final draft. Disc ussion At the time I am writing the first draft I haven’t had enough time to collect the data for my paper. I have posted my questions using survey monkey to a web page at McCreary Central High where my wife teaches. She is going to ask student from her class to take the survey. So far I have only had 4 people take the survey.This is hardly enough to come to any conclusions. Conclusions In Conclusion, I plan on collecting the date from my surveys to analyze. Kobus (2003) concludes that adolescent peer relationships contribute to adolescent cigarette smoking. Youth who are friends with smokers have been found to be more likely to smoke themselves than those with only nonsmokers as friends. Best friends, romantic partners, peer groups and social crowds all have been found to contribute to the smoking or non-smoking behavior of teenagers. In some cases, peer influences promote smoking and, in other cases, they deter it.The mechanisms of peer influence appear to be more covert an d subtle than is thought commonly. That is, rather than be the result of direct and coercive pressures, decisions regarding smoking behavior have been found to reflect predetermined choices about fitting in, social approval, popularity and autonomy. Parents and the media have also been found to contribute to the smoking or non-smoking of youth.References Akers, R. L. , Massey, J. , Clarke, W. , ;amp; Lauer, R. M. (1983). Are Self-Reports of Adolescent Deviance Valid? Biochemical Measures, Randomized Response, and the Bogus Pipeline in Smoking Behavior. Social Forces, 62(1), 234-251. Freinkel, S. , Fuerst, M. L. , ;amp; Krieger, E. B. (1999). Teen Smoking: The Longest Drag. Health (Time Inc. Health), 13(6), 18. Kobus, K. (2003). Peers and adolescent smoking. Addiction, 9837-55. doi:10. 1046/j. 1360-0443. 98. s1. 4. x Patton, G. C. , Hibbert, M. , Rosier, M. J. , Carlin, J. B. , Caust, J. , ;amp; Bowes, G. (1996). Is Smoking Associated with Depression and Anxiety in Teenagers?. Americ an Journal Of Public Health, 86(2), 225. Te-wei, H. , Zihua, L. , ;amp; Keeler, T. E. (1998). Teenage Smoking, Attempts to Quit, and School Performance. American Journal Of Public Health, 88(6), 940-943.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Communication Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Communication Issues - Essay Example People from the different culture may have different rules of exchanging signals and therefore, there is inherent uncertainty in exchanging information. Expansion of our business to China means dealing with the Chinese Government, the local businesses, the distributors and various other important entities. All of these parties communicate using their own language, Chinese. They feel pride in speaking their own language and most of them do not know English. Basically, the culture affects the thinking process of human behavior. It affects the thinking pattern, values and therefore eventually influences the communication processes. Therefore, in coming paragraphs, I will be discussing the various differences between the culture of China and the U.K. and the possible hindrance that may occur due to these differences in the communication process while I will also mention the solution to these issues wherever possible. The main dissimilarity that I have found is the vast contextual difference between UK’s and China’s culture. China is a high-context culture while U.K. is relatively low context culture. In high context cultures, messages are less spelled out explicitly and communicated more implicitly or in indirect ways(Differences in Cultures, n.d.). However, in a low context culture, the emphasis is given to exchanging of information in an explicit manner. Many things are left unsaid in high context cultures which are expected to be implicitly understood(High and Low Context, n.d.). Due to this high-context culture, Chinese use a great deal of non-verbal communication during their work. Their facial expressions, postures, the tone of voice, gestures and other expressions show what they are feeling. However, I feel necessary here to mention that there is both positive and negative effect of adapting to a new culture. The positive outcomes include gains in language competence, self-esteem, awareness, self-confidence, good interpersonal relationships, the development of multicultural identities etc. The negative outcomes include psychological and psychosomatic concerns, emotional distress, dysfunctional communication, culture shock, depression and anxiety. In short, we need to understand the culture of China in order to make the communication process effective.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Marketing strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing strategy - Essay Example One of Porsche’s unique selling points is its engine design and care should have been taken in this regard. Given the heavy losses the company suffered as a result of the introduction of the 928 model, there was a need for a new product strategy. The BCG Matrix was an effective tool for this situation. This portfolio planning method recognizes the need to reposition products in the portfolio to achieve cash flow and profitability. According to the Boston Consulting Group, 928 would have been regarded as a dog because of its low growth rate and low market share. Although 928 may generate enough cash, possibly to break even, it’s simple not worth the investment. Therefore Porsche’s strategy to divest the 928 model and to pump more money in a more promising investment say the 911, was a very sound approach. â€Å"Porsche purists are wary every time a new incarnation of 911 is unveiled. Will there be a change of look, feel, and sound? Porsche’s 911 is going to be made forever, or possibly longer. This is because the company does not know how to end it, only how to make a new one every few years (3)† The use of the product life cycle would have been of interest to the luxury sports car company when deciding its advertising and extension strategies. The 911 model existed at the maturity stage and the failure for the 928 to pick up sales forced the company to reposition and redesign the 911 model over a period of time. So far these strategies were successful, however an important point which Porsche should be aware of is that extension strategies are short term measures and not permanent in nature. In spite of this fact, each product life cycle for each car model is different and therefore its usefulness as a forecasting tool for Porsche may be limited. The Porsche brand developed over the years. There is the belief, however, that the introduction of recent brands

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Human Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Human Development - Essay Example Pavlov’s research indicated that behaviors could be learned via conditioned associations. The learning process was argued to have grounds on which environmental stimulus and naturally occurring stimulus could be associated (Watson 6). Therefore, this means that the focus of behaviorism is purely on the idea that human behavior is acquired as a result of interaction with the environment (Berger 2005). In regard to contribution of behaviorism to my development, it is apparent that behaviorism played a key part in dictating my current personality. Having been brought up in rural areas, most of the behaviors of the rural people were vested on me because I always interacted with them. The rural school setting is different from urban school setting. We used to travel for long distances to school and believed that schooling is a difficult task that one has to strive to achieve. Nevertheless, this was instrumental to me because I have always worked hard to achieve my desires. This is contrary to urban people who are brought up in urban settings. They have little struggles because the life in the urban is a bit comfortable than the life in the rural settings. This is equally the same case to children brought up in wealthy families and those that are brought up in rural settings. The personality of these two groups of people is wide owing to the lifestyle that they are exposed to. It is argued that people brought up in areas where crime is prevalent tend to adapt to criminal behaviors. Most people who engage in crime are either due to the influence of drugs or as a result of poverty. Since such people have little they can do to change their lives, they resort to crime and drugs as a way of either reducing stress or use crime as a way of earning a living. Hence, it is true to stipulate that the environment that such people find themselves in influences their character so that they can fit in it. Theory of cognitive development was pioneered by Jean Piaget who

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Corporate Taxes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporate Taxes - Essay Example 29) or the Code, otherwise the business is taxed under the Subchapter C of the Code. Moreover, during liquidation process, the liability of a sole owner of an S or C corporation is determined by the amount of money the owner has invested in the business, hence personal assets are not subject to the rights of creditors to seize or place a lien. Furthermore, when an entity undergoes bankruptcy proceedings and files for Chapter 11, the assets of the corporation is transferred to the bankruptcy estate, however "a transfer (other than by sale or exchange) of an asset from the debtor to the estate shall not be treated as a disposition for purposes of any provision assigning tax consequences to a disposition and the estate shall be treated as the debtor would be treated with respect to such asset" (IRC section 1398(f)). Given the above tax laws, rulings and regulations, if Susan treats her additional $80,000 as an additional stock investment, which will then increase the value of her total stock to $180,000, the for tax purposes, she will not be able to report the loss of the additional stock investment or the total value of her stock as a loss in her individual tax return. Section 1398(f) of the Code specifies that the bankruptcy estate will accrue the losses - both from operations and other items - of the business of the year that the bankruptcy process commenced. Hence, given the treatment of the $80,000 additional investment as a stock investment, on the year that Bluegill files for bankruptcy this amount and the rest of Susan's equity investment in the corporation will become the losses of the estate rather than her losses. However, the tax implications would be different if the $80,000 additional tax investment is treated by Susan as a loan to Bluegill Corporation. In this circumstance, Susan, to the extent of the $80,000 loan, is considered as a debtor. Hence, the tax treatment is different. However, the remaining stock value of Susan of $100,000 will still be treated the same way as identified above. For the $80,000 loan, during the bankruptcy proceedings, Susan can then assume a creditor's right to seize or attach lien on the corporation's assets. Any loss resulting from the bankruptcy of Bluegill with respect to the $80,000 loan can be reported in Susan's individual income tax return. There is a way for Susan, however, to claim the losses from her total stock investment in her individual tax return in case Bluegill files for bankruptcy. To be able to do this, Susan needs to file the bankruptcy right after the end of Bluegill's fiscal year. Corporation's fiscal year ends every December 31. Hence, Susan needs to file for bankruptcy right after this time. Whether the additional $80,000 investment can be considered a bona fide loan or a capital contribution or both, several factors need to be considered. First, whether the business was undercapitalized during the additional contribution. If capitalization was sufficient, then the additional investment can be considered as a bona fide loan. Another factor is the intention of Susan in giving the additional investment to Bluegill. In Adelson v. United States (Fed.Cir. 1984) 737 F.2d 1569, the court made a distinction on the difference of a loan and capital. The court stated that "a loan is

Friday, October 4, 2019

Discuss how RAID can be implimented Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discuss how RAID can be implimented - Essay Example back is its high cost due to use of a separate processor and software which gives the RAID system greater strength to handle recovery and disk rebuilding. Another approach to implementing hardware RAID is IOC. The advantage of controller-based RAID is that it is cheaper because it simply uses processors on the disk controllers. However, controller based RAID is restricted by the power of the processor and the memory bandwidth of the controller, which makes it slower than IOP RAID. On the other hand, software RAID can be implemented using a disk controller driver or an operating system. Software RAID is cheaper than hardware RAID but is not as reliable. Software RAID may be useful in small applications where quality performance is not really expected. It is used in the drivers of the hard disk controllers and is independent of the operating system. Operating System based RAID uses a RAID engine in the operating system. Both disk controller driver and operating system driver RAID are dependent on system processor which can be specifically used in low performance and lightly loaded

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Creative Writing Essay Example for Free

Creative Writing Essay The seven habits described in Stephen R. Covey’s book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, are life-altering improvements that require hard work and commitment to change oneself from within. The book has been considered a milestone in the genre of self-help books. First published in 1989, it has been assisting many people since. The first habit, ‘Be Proactive: Principles of Personal Vision,’ is the foundation, the beginning steps towards effectiveness. The whole point that Covey emphasizes on is that; the manner in which two types of people react, which is similar to the difference between day and night. These people are proactive and reactive; the former focuses on values, the latter on feeling. Nevertheless, proactive people can be said as void of much feelings and emotions. This outlook can be seen as a potential disadvantage to those who seek to bring a change in themselves. Proactive people see love as a verb, not feeling and interactivity is their best tool; a little more than unnerving for many people. The reason for this is that we depend wholly on ourselves alone or on others alone; never believing in interaction. Proactive people consider the ‘I can be’ of themselves whilst, reactive people concentrate on the ‘If I have’ in life. The author says that if we think any problem as being ‘out there’ then that though is the problem. Yet, the author thinks it is innocuous to guide people by motivating them but disregards the thinking process. Pro-activity then, is not much different from reactivity, the strong point of the animal world, if we do not think over what we are about to do (Orsini, 1996). It seems that Covey’s actual point here is self-control which comes foremost when we aim to be morally uncorrupt. Covey has used his own terminology to describe various phrases in the book. For instance, the phrase: inside-out approach in various situations in life. It says that the change from within is more prominent and permanent than a mere change from outside (Weber, 2009). Character sprouts from our attitude and the way we behave; changing it will be the progress. His ‘principles of personal vision’ doesn’t really relate to each other. There is a different concept under every heading in this habit. Every human being has its own set of responsibilities; this idea arouses feelings of uncertainty. It is so very easy to abandon our responsibilities in the name of others’ weaknesses. We cannot accept the fact that everything we do in our life is our decision; even when we are forced. Another aspect of this is that, we ourselves have to take initiatives and provide ourselves with opportunities. It isn’t right if someone keep saying, ‘If I could only be more slim and lean,’ and does nothing about it. If outside authorities mold our choices, we cannot be held answerable for our actions, this defines determinism. Covey defines this as a phenomenon that puts the blame on others. The theory is that we will act in the way that we are trained to do so; by our genetics, psyche or our environment. All in all, the phenomenon doesn’t help in the 21st century because people don’t care anymore if they are socially acceptable. Since the start of this century, we have succeeded in steering clear out of the grasp of so-called conditioning and determinism. Nevertheless, many people do not recognize the amazing ability of our mind to choose the way to respond to a stimulus. Only our body can be reined in but not our mind. We have the incredible power to imagine, of an independent will and self-awareness. To be self-aware is like to be able to see yourself from afar; to assess yourself and the way your mind works. This ability is unique in humans. On the other hand, the philosophy of free will is not accepted by several people. Outside influences only affects those people who let them affect them. When we acquire the skill to create circumstances, we also gain the power to empower them. Just as there was a woman who helped her boss overcome his weakness by compensating her own talents; this made her more trustworthy. It isn’t sufficed to say that, we have no control over the events that takes place in our lives. If the character is built up to concentrate otherwise, then the theory isn’t acceptable to the psyche. The reality is that deep down inside we have a conscience which is always making us aware of what is right and wrong; and yet we can choose to ignore it or be aware of it and do something required to be done. Then it only becomes a question of utilizing it and a choice to be either kind or cruel. At times humans can burry it as deep inside as if it isn’t there at all. The author’s discussion about the Circle of Concern and the Circle of Influence is not very convincing. It is hard for a person to follow the concept and its advantages. It acknowledges the fact, that people usually focus their energy and efforts worrying about futile concerns. There are some incidents which we can only be concerned about and others, which we can successfully mold into a result that we require. We can, directly or indirectly, control some situations in life. This is secondary to our Circle of Influence. It says that we can choose our actions, but not the consequences that come with the actions that we chose. Hence, our actions cannot guarantee that we will not fall. Then the author describes this habit further by saying that, we should accept our mistakes and correct them. In addition, we should also be aware that we cannot undo them, so regret is a pointless exercise. Between both these points is the fact that we can still commit mistakes. The book talks about making and keeping commitments; which we can do so if we start small and grow bigger. Essentially, we will be developing habits by keeping our commitments and achieving goals. A bit far fetched logic, but reasonably sought out. From our language to our response towards people, all things determine our character and the level of our proactive or reactive behavior. No one can hurt us without our permission; we can decide that we are not going to be affected by certain events in our life. The day we accept that we are the ones responsible, that’s the day we truly begin to see ourselves. This habit ultimately aims to build up our character. Deciding to be somebody driven by values, not by having things is a lesson; in accepting the consequences of our actions and eventually keeping our commitments. References Covey, S. R. (2003). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Simon Schuster. Orsini, J. (1996). The Stephen Covey Phenomenon—An Evangelization Opportunity. Retrieved June 19, 2009 from http://www. ewtn. com/library/BUSINESS/COVEY. HTM Weber. edu. (2009). Establishing Your Sense of Direction. Retrieved June 19, 2009 from http://faculty. weber. edu/molpin/healthclasses/1110/coveystuff. htm